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Cybersecurity for Startups: How to Protect Your Business

Cybersecurity for Startups: How to Protect Your Business

Published by Programme B

Startup business owners usually do not consider their business as a cybercrime target because they don’t have much that criminals would want. This ideology is the same as living in a sandcastle because it is entirely unsafe.

Cybercriminals are now focusing on the smaller fish where they can cast their nets and easily get access to the information of small businesses. That sensitive information can be used for credit card fraud, identity theft, hacking business automation apps, and other such cybercrimes. If you do not consider cybersecurity for business, you will be an easy target.

The reason why cybercriminals do not consider attacking large companies a lot now is that large companies take serious cybersecurity measures. Also, since startups are easier to penetrate, they now use automated programs that attack many small companies at the same time.

This makes it worth their while and cashes off just enough as they would have done when attacking a large company. However, whatever industry you may be in, your company needs to be safe. So whether you will be requiring education sector, financial services or Dental Office Cybersecurity, here are a few tips to strengthen the cybersecurity in your small startup business:

Firewall your system

To start building your cybersecurity system, you need to have a firewall in place to protect your devices from external brute force. To get additional cover and protection, some companies have started using an external and internal firewall. This is the first line of defense for all cyberattacks, so you can’t afford to have one.

Write down your cybersecurity policies

You need to have everything about your cybersecurity in writing, so you need to have a place where to write all the protocols that are in place. You can get an idea of where to start off when you look at the FCC Cyberplanner 2.0. Alternatively, if you have an online business, you can check out the Small Businesses Administration Cybersecurity Portal.

For effective writing, ensure that an IT expert writes the policies. If you are a student entrepreneur and busy with your college or university writing work, use thesis writing service. This will free you up and you’ll be able to invest time in critical tasks such as cybersecurity policy documentation and employee training for cybersecurity.

Include your mobile and remote devices

If your company has mobile devices like cell phones, tablets, laptops, and other devices, they should be covered also. This includes remote devices for workers that work at home or in remote locations that have access to your company’s system. All these devices should have the same firewall and same cybersecurity.

Teach your employees

Teach your employees about the cybersecurity protocols you have in place and regularly refresh their knowledge by regular scheduling cybersecurity training. Make sure that you let them know of new protocols and how they work.

To hold employees that intentionally or negligently endanger the cybersecurity of your business accountable, make them sign a document clarifying that they know these policies.

Incorporate password policies

Safe password policies should be set forth and enforced by the company because 64% of data breaches happen because of weak or lost passwords. Setting a strong password is imperative to the cyber safety of your company. Above that, businesses should change passwords to all company devices every 60 to 90 days.

Backup all data periodically

Alongside periodical software updates that come with new and improved security features, you have to back up all your data to avoid losing it. This will help in the case of a data breach and all your devices are sucked their information dry.

Your backed-up data can be accessed at that time and then your company returns to business as usual. This tip will help you even in the case of an unforeseen disaster where a fire incinerates your computers or a flood damages them.

Use anti-malware

Some employees may intentionally or unknowingly plant malware in your company’s computer and that malware may be very damaging. To avoid this, download and install anti-malware from a reputable provider to cover your computer. Additionally, teach your employees about phishing techniques and how to avoid them.

Install multifactor identification systems

Multifactor identification will provide your business with an extra layer of protection and protect your devices. You can use your employee’s cell phone numbers as the second form of multifactor identification. Your business will be quite safe because it is unlikely for a cybercriminal to have access to both the password and pin.

The bottom line

It is important to try and convince your employees to have the same view on cyber safety as you do. Use training events and seminars to try and make safe cybersecurity techniques their second nature.

Set up your safety parameters to cover all your bases and all of that starts with setting up firewall defenses. Gradually move on to other advanced security measures that will heighten your cybersecurity.

Protect your devices by changing your company’s devices’ passwords every 60 to 90 days and consistently updating your system software. Also, put all your devices on automatic update for your devices to get the latest software with new security upgrades.

Author Bio:

Connie Elser is an IT specialist working with small businesses and startups to help them ramp up their cyber defense. She also guides students through her online classes to build a career in cybersecurity. When not at work, she likes to read spirituality books, watch classic movies and practice meditation.
