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Practical Gifts That Are Sneakily Romantic

Practical Gifts That Are Sneakily Romantic

Published by Programme B

Are you trying to buy a romantic gift for someone who values logic and usefulness above flowers, candy, and sappy cards? You can be both practical and romantic with these necessary yet fun gifts. Sometimes a practical gift is just caring and concern in disguise. If you know your partner well, you can buy them something they will use daily and love just as much as a child would love a new stuffed animal. Why not give a gift that can be useful again and again? Here are seven practical, yet sneakily romantic gifts with a hidden sweetness. 

#1) Cookware and Baking Supplies 

Cooking meals together might be one of the most romantic daily activities you can do as a couple. That means that buying your loved one practical things like pots, pans, cupcake tins, and other cooking supplies is actually quite sweet. According to Health Magazine, couples that cook together are more likely to stay together. Cooking a meal together lets you practice your communication skills, spend time bonding, and make lasting memories. All this is accomplished while speaking the universal love-language of food. We all need to eat and most people enjoy it. Both savory and sweet dishes can be quite sensual. 

You can make a big pancake breakfast on the weekends or go full out with a brunch spread. For dinner try new recipes from all over the world–exotic spices and flavors can, well, spice things up! Dessert is always a good idea–make some cookies or pastries together for a sweet treat at the end of the evening. 

#2) Planners And Calendars With A Hidden Message

Practical people love planners and calendars they can fill with all their important events and reminders. You can use a dated planner or an undated planner that allows you to write your own dates in and start any time of the year. You can also choose a wall calendar on either paper or using chalk or a dry erase marker. To add a classic romantic spin on your planner gift, you can fill in future date nights and personal events like anniversaries. Plan some special dinners or evenings of entertainment and add them to your calendar with stickers or other bits of flair. 

#3) Patterned Socks

Everyone needs socks, but giving them as a gift can show you care about the other person’s warmth and understand their fashion sense. In fact, some companies offer special Valentine’s Day sock gift sets, No Cold Feet is one such example. Cute patterned socks add color and personality to their wardrobe, as well as keep their toes cozy and warm. There isn’t a practical person on earth that wouldn’t love some fancy new socks from their boo for Valentine’s Day or a special romantic holiday. Choose colors and patterns you know are special to them. The colors we like can influence our sense of style and make us feel more confident in our clothes. 

#4) Warm Blankets And Comfort Items

Give a gift that subtly says, “Let’s spend all night cuddling on the couch together!” A pile of warm fluffy blankets is always a welcome gift for any occasion. Blankets, pillows, warm robes, and fuzzy slippers are all ultra-comfortable and sweetly romantic because they say safety, warmth, and love. You can choose blankets in their favorite color, with a fun pattern, a funny saying, anything that speaks to their personality and interests. If it’s fall or winter you can really go crazy and give them a whole pile of warm blankets for snuggling. 

#5) Massage Pillows

Personal massage devices are great for relieving back and neck pain, and helping you relax after a stressful day. Buying one as a gift tells the other person that you care about their health and their emotional wellbeing. You can see this NBC News list of the best massagers for 2020 right here. Massagers can be electric or battery-powered, with or without heat, and some are even wearable. 

Massage provides health benefits for your loved one, too, that says you care about them. They can reduce pain, improve headaches, reduce stress and anxiety as well as muscle tension from stress, and help provide a better night’s sleep. And who wouldn’t want that! 

#6) Good Quality Headphones And Speakers

Can you think of anything that can’t be made more romantic with music? Music stirs our emotions and provides an intimate setting for dinners and dates. You can woo your lover with romantic music given in the form of a practical device they use to listen to it. Select high-quality speakers or headphones that you know they will use every day. You can also give the gift of romantic music by giving a Spotify membership or if you know they enjoy the K-pop genre you can even pre-order new music here release date. Spend time creating a romantic playlist that you can share with them and provide the link along with your practical gift.

#7) Funny Coffee Mugs

According to Statistica, over 50% of the adult population in the US drinks coffee almost daily. Chances are, your sweetheart drinks coffee, tea, or another hot beverage at least occasionally. Cute, funny, sarcastic, or pretty coffee mugs and tumblers are great gift ideas. Make this practical gift even more romantic in one of several ways such as including an offer for a coffee date, making a gift basket with their favorite coffees and flavorings, or getting a custom mug with their name or an important date on it. 

Romantic gifts don’t have to be sappy. You can avoid consumable gifts or gifts that don’t last by putting some thought into more practical gifts. Your lover will be delighted that you took the time to really consider their interests and feelings when choosing their gift. So this year, think outside the box and leave the flowers and candy on the shelf. Choose one of these sneakily romantic ideas instead.
