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Business Financing Options You Need to Know About

Business Financing Options You Need to Know About

Published by Allen Brown

Starting a company can be intimidating for some people, but there is no denying that the pros outweigh the cons, and that is the reason why thousands of people start their businesses every year. Although these businesses are probably different, they have one thing in common: they had to raise the money to get their business started. In order to have a successful business, you must have a strong plan and finance is one of the most important elements you should include in your plan. 


However, if your business is a start-up, financing it can be difficult, especially if you have poor credit. Although, it is true that there isn’t a standard minimum credit score to get a business loan but according to lenders, there is a certain range which they consider acceptable. Therefore, if you have a low credit score you should consider an alternative loan. Keep reading on to learn about all the business financing options that you need to know about.

Your Savings

Financing your new business with your own money is probably the easiest, safest and smartest way to go about it. So if you are planning to start a business, it is always better to save money early on so that finances do not turn out to be a roadblock in your business journey. Nevertheless, it is also important to address that the problem with using your savings is that you are limited by the amount of money you have. However, if you don’t have enough money, then it is better not to take any risks. Some people choose to fund their business by taking money out of their homes, insurance policies, or retirement plans. This is a very risky thing to do because you can’t guarantee the success of your business, and also some small businesses fail in the first few years. There is no reason as to why you would risk all your savings because there is a possibility that you could end up losing everything. It is better to start saving now and start your business a few years later, and also there is no harm in consulting a financial advisor. 

Business Loans

When it comes to business loans, there isn’t a one size fits all approach, because small business loans and big business loans are not the same. Therefore, if you are planning to start a small business or company,  it is recommended to check a business financial management app that will help you get matched with small business loan options, to figure out and make an informed decision for small businesses. However, if your business is big, you should apply for a loan from a bank where the bank gives you a specific amount of money that you have to repay over a period of years. Since the bank’s main interest is to get their money back and that is going to be through the money your business makes, they will only provide you with a loan if you can prove that your company generates cash. This is why a bank loan is the better option for big businesses. 


If you don’t have enough savings and applying for a loan isn’t an option then maybe you should find yourself an angel investor, which are private individuals who invest in businesses by making an equity purchase. This kind of investor doesn’t only provide you with money but also with expertise and guidance to help you grow your business. In order to get angel investment, you must have an exit strategy and a practical business plan. You will also need to create a compelling pitch in order to attract their interest. You can use a template for start up pitch decks to guide you in presenting your business effectively. A strong pitch is crucial because the angel investor needs to see that your business has the potential to grow. The exit strategy is important because it allows the investor to recover their investment.

Credit Cards

Credit cards are a great way to finance your business and to expand your cash flow. You can use them to buy supplies, earn discounts, and certain protections but make sure not to overextend yourself. However, credit cards are tied to your credit score, so a low score can be a problem. You can also use cash advances to finance your business, but you should know that credit card companies force limits on their cash advances and charge high rates. Although cash advances are useful, they are also expensive and should be considered as a last resort.


Owning a business is a dream for many people but for some people, it is impossible to achieve. Yes, it isn’t easy, but it is still attainable if you are driven and dedicated. You need to study the market and make a strategy while factoring in all the possible outcomes. The most important part of your plan must be the money, and how you are going to finance your business. Do thorough research, and consider all your options before you take any step.
