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6 Vital Digital Marketing Strategies for a Small Business

6 Vital Digital Marketing Strategies for a Small Business

Published by Programme B

Having a low-cost marketing strategy online is possible, and it’s not that difficult. Being a small company, your core team should be pretty lean — which means that in the beginning, you can only focus on your product, its features, and how to differentiate yourself from the competition. 

In addition, competing with huge firms is tough, but with help from the right internet marketing company, you can market a brand to customers around the world, even with little resources. Besides outsourcing, here are more strategies that you can use to boost your small business online. 

Social media marketing

Social media marketing is a game of building an audience and engaging them — not simply posting links or promotional material. You will need to post regularly to build trust and your customers. 

With analytics tools like Google Analytics, you can track the progress of their social media campaigns and accurately measure potential returns on your efforts.

Email Marketing

Businesses must get new customers; email marketing is a worthwhile strategy that not only does that, but also helps foster existing relationships with customers. By collecting subscribers from your existing lists and through other avenues, you put the power of your brand at customer’s fingertips — whether they’re on their desktop computers or smartphones. From there, you can encourage repeat visits to your site, encourage engagement, and even facilitate new sales.

Search Engine Optimization

Rankings in search engines work much like a popularity contest: the more traffic you get, the higher your site appears in the results. It’s important to have an SEO strategy in place for your website, whether it’s a blog or an e-commerce storefront. The right tools can help you generate traffic and boost your brand’s reputation, which will lead to increased revenue and success in the long term.

Content Marketing 

Content marketing is about much more than writing a blog post or creating a video. It’s about forming an entire content strategy that sets out to accomplish targeted goals. For example, you can use white papers and industry reports to generate leads, while crafting infographics and engaging videos to attract traffic — all while building social media profiles that encourage viral sharing.

Local SEO 

If you’re a local business with a physical presence, Google My Business can help you build your brand — and even increase your sales. With this platform, you can create a beautiful landing page for your location, whether that’s at home or in an office building. You can even set up your profile to show up in search results and to be shareable on social media.

Pay-per-click advertising

As its name suggests, pay-per-click advertising is a type of online ad model that allows businesses to display their ads to potential customers who are searching for relevant products and services. The beauty of pay-per-click advertising is its simplicity, as you only have to pay when people click on the content of your ad. It’s also entirely possible to outsource PPC advertising to an external agency, whose professional expertise can help to transform your business while you focus on the areas you’re familiar with.


With the right approach, digital marketing campaigns can improve your brand’s visibility and bring in more leads. What strategies have you tried before? Share with us in the comments!

Photo by Khashi Photo from Pexels
