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What are some of the good qualities of an Animal Removal Company?

What are some of the good qualities of an Animal Removal Company?

Published by Programme B

It’s difficult not to panic when you hear creepy-crawly noises coming from your attic at two in the morning. But you should at least try, because you need to think clearly during this crucial moment. Although you might feel threatened right now by the furry trespasser, it’s important to keep in mind that wild animals rarely, if at all, choose to interact with humans. They may seem cheeky, but remember they are several sizes smaller than you are, so the truth is, a wildlife intruder will only interact with you if it has no other choice.

That being said, leave them alone and they will most likely leave you. Instead, focus on picking the right animal removal company. While it’s tempting to think they’re one like the other, there are essential qualities to look for, when picking a wildlife removal company like Complete Wildlife Removal.

Such as…?

  1. They employ humane removal methods.

Gone are the days when a lethal trap or worse, poison, were the only solutions to an intrusive animal. Nowadays, those are the exception, rather than the rule, and it’s generally frowned upon to still be using such inhumane removal methods.

Why? Well if you think about it, the wild animals you’re so desperate to assassinate are just there looking for some food, water, or shelter. That shouldn’t warrant poison, surely. Why kill them, when you could just remove them?

Not only that, but things like poison are also considered deeply inefficient. It takes several hours for the poisoned animal to die which, again, is inhumane, but could also signal trouble for you. A poisoned animal will look for an isolated place to hide in, as it can’t defend against predators. A popular choice here is inside your wall, vent, or other remote area of the house that’s difficult to access.

A wildlife removal company that uses humane removal methods typically resolves to live trap the offending critter. That’s basically a cage that lures the animal in with bait, and traps it without killing. They will then use the cage to remove and release the animal into a safe location.

2. They also offer damage repair.

Although it’s unpleasant to think about, you need to consider what you’ll do after the wild animal has been trapped and removed. Namely, taking care of the damage. The amount of damage you’re looking at will depend on an assortment of factors, such as:

  • Length of animal infestation;
  • Size of pack/nest;
  • And of course, the animal itself, since some are way more destructive than others.

But regardless of the answers, it’s likely that you’ll be looking at some damaged vents, insulation, maybe even electrical wires. It’s best to leave these up to a qualified professional, to avoid a serious and unpleasant accident.

At the very least, you’ll need to sanitize the area inhabited by the wild animal(s) to make it livable again. Most wild animals leave behind deeply toxic and corrosive droppings and urine that will damage your floors and furniture, and may even lead to infection.

Now, a good wildlife removal service typically offers a damage control and repair service, either included in their animal removal package, or for an additional cost. Whichever it is, it’s well worth it, and will save you a truckload of trouble.

3. They’ll also focus on prevention.

Because it’s not enough to simply catch the opossum, and remove it. You also need to consider things like:

  • What attracted it here in the first place?
  • How did it get in?
  • What am I doing that’s encouraging wildlife intruders?

A good wildlife removal company will also consider these questions, as part of future wildlife prevention. They’ll be able to inspect and assess your property, and advise you on what you could potentially be doing wrong. Maybe you need to step up your cleaning game. Or maybe you’ve got a damaged roof, or wall, and don’t even know about it. 

Regardless, prevention is just as important (if not more so) as wildlife removal itself. Otherwise, you may successfully remove the raccoon right now, but will only get another raccoon infestation next month. Surely, that’s not what you want, and your wildlife removal company should help you prevent it.

4. They communicate efficiently.

Obviously, you’ll want a wildlife removal company that is communicative, and customer-friendly. In fact, it’s paramount, when choosing your wildlife removal company, that you ask questions about the removal process, the animal itself, what will happen to it afterwards, guarantees, and so on.

Pay attention to how your contractor reacts. Do they seem happy to answer your questions, or are they avoiding them? Since this is a contractor that you’re employing for a service, they should be willing to clarify any curiosities you have, without much trouble. If they seem bothered by your questions, or defensive, then this might be a sign to look elsewhere.

The wildlife removal expert that you’ve hired should be patient and attentive, and be with you every step of the way. Otherwise, you risk being left with an unpleasant feeling, or maybe not even fully understanding all there is to know about the removal process.

5. They have all necessary licenses, and of course, insurance.

The point of a license is to certify that the company in question is working in accordance with state and federal laws in their respective domain. That being said, the precise licenses that a wildlife removal company needs may vary slightly from state to state. So you may need to do some additional research here, to figure out what licenses your wildlife removal company should have. Don’t be afraid to ask them about it, as it shows you are a knowledgeable client.

And of course, you want your wildlife removal company to possess insurance, as this will be your safeguard against negligence or injury while on the job (on your property). Don’t be afraid to ask these things – just as you’d check an object at the store before buying, it’s natural to check a service.
