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Learning The Possible Causes Of Joint Pain And How It Is Treated

Learning The Possible Causes Of Joint Pain And How It Is Treated

Published by Allen Brown

Joint pain can be a very distressing condition. It causes severe pain in the joints of your body, causing various degrees of discomfort. This condition not only affects the joints but also causes them to swell and become stiff. It is a condition that can be very difficult to cope with, especially when acute and causing pain. There are different types of treatment for it, such as physiotherapy, medication, and surgery.

How Is Joint Pain Classified?

Joint pain is a feeling of discomfort or pain that occurs when a joint’s cartilage wears down and then rubs against another bone. Joint pain can occur in many joints throughout the body, and it’s often accompanied by other symptoms such as stiffness, swelling, and changes in mobility. Injuries to the joints or nerves that supply the joints may also cause pain. It is one of the most common problems people have in the world. It can lead to a variety of health complications, pain, and disability. Traditional approaches to managing chronic joint pain have proven effective, but a single treatment that works for everyone does not exist. Nevertheless, some exciting options have been shown to have some positive effects in its treatment. Before discussing treatments, you should understand a few of the possible causes.


As a general term, arthritis refers to a group of inflammatory diseases that affect the joints. Several types of arthritis exist, including Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), one of the most common forms. People who have RA have an inflammatory disease because their body’s immune system attacks the body’s tissue. The result is painful swelling and destruction of joints, impaired movement, and overall quality of life. In the U.S., more than 54 million people have arthritis, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Around 24 million live with a reduced standard of living as a result.


Gout is a disease that used to be rare but is now affecting more and more people. Though, what exactly is it? Gout is a disease that causes your body to produce too much uric acid, and it can attack anytime, but usually attacks people between the ages of 30-50. It is common only to have one episode of gout in a lifetime, but some go through recurrent episodes, which can be more severe. Essentially, it is a painful condition commonly caused by too much uric acid in the blood. Uric acid is a waste product that the body breaks down to produce energy. When the body can’t get rid of the uric acid, it forms crystals that cause painful inflammation.


As the name implies, tendonitis is inflammation of tendons or surrounding connective tissue. Tendons act as “shock absorbers,” allowing us to move our limbs, but when they become inflamed, they become swollen, tender, or painful. The injury to the tendon causes pain, and the inflammation can be so severe that it causes loss of function of the tendon. Tendons are fibrous connective tissue, and the muscle can still function if the tendon is damaged. While this is not strictly a joint-specific issue, tendons play a huge role in connecting the joints, so this type of pain can be equally debilitating. Calcific tendonitis, where calcium deposits build up in the tendons, is a common type of tendonitis that can contribute to severe discomfort. Find out if calcific tendonitis goes away on its own at CARESPACE and discover what effective treatment options are available.

Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow is a term used to describe pain in the elbow. Overusing a joint is the most common cause of tennis elbow. The most common areas of overuse are the tendon of the triceps and the tendon of the bicep. The tendons of the triceps and bicep join the elbow and shoulder. They are essential because they help to extend the elbow and bicep. Excessive strain on these tendons can cause tennis elbow. Despite being overly painful, the condition may be debilitating and result in recurrent injuries if not treated properly.

Options For Treatment

Even though this sort of injury and pain may be permanent, they may sometimes be healed or the pain reduced at the very least. So what are some of the more common treatments for joint pain?

Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used to prevent pain, fever, swelling, stiffness, and other symptoms of some types of arthritis, including osteoarthritis. Common non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs include:

  • Aspirin.
  • Ibuprofen.
  • Naproxen sodium.
  • Celecoxib.
  • Meloxicam.

Cannabidiol (CBD)

A recent report from a study published in the Journal of Pain Research found that CBD may help ease joint pain. Natural compounds found in cannabis have been shown to have a wide range of health benefits, including treating cancer, preventing seizures, and reducing pain and inflammation. It also does not cause any of the psychoactive or “high” effects of other cannabis compounds. There are several ways you can take it, and all will have a positive impact, but if your joint pain is acute, you might benefit from a topical method. Usually, CBD salve 500mg should be enough to cover you for a while because you will only need to apply a relatively small amount. All you need to achieve fast-acting pain relief is to use a small amount to the affected area and wait until it gets absorbed into your skin. This joint pain relief method is becoming far more popular these days because of the raft of scientific and anecdotal evidence proving its advantages. Perhaps the main benefit of a CBD salve over the more typical NSAIDs is that it won’t damage your liver if taken over a long period.


Corticosteroids are a group of steroid hormones secreted by the adrenal cortex and other tissues in response to stress. They are used in medicine to treat various conditions, including arthritis, pain, asthma, inflammation, and other conditions. This option is usually saved as a last resort due to its strength. If the joint pain is bad enough, you might require regular injections into the affected area. While it will reduce pain and inflammation, it is not recommended for long-term use.

Joint pain can be excruciating and can severely reduce your quality of living. If you do suffer from any of this pain, there are several treatments that you can consider that all have varying degrees of success.
