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Read this before you send out another marketing email

Read this before you send out another marketing email

Published by Programme B

If you run an online business, you’re probably sending out hundreds of emails every month. But are you getting adequate results? Many businesses fall into this pattern where they aren’t getting conversions but keep powering on because they don’t have other options.

The good news is that there are simple strategies to increase your conversations. And these strategies are as simple as tweaking your approach just a little bit. Let’s look at some things you can do to boost your conversions right now.

Use suppression lists

A suppression list is a list of users who won’t get some emails. Think of it as an exclusion list. Successful businesses use them all the time, right after segmenting their audience. That way, you can send only tailored emails to each person, increasing the chances that they’ll open your message.

Suppression lists are great for some buyer personas, users in specific stages of your sales funnel, or individuals who give you low engagement. Sometimes, you may even add certain emails to a suppression list just to experiment and see what works.

Tweak your calls to action and preview text

Many marketers place too much emphasis on the subject line and actual copy that they ignore other critical aspects. But the call to action and preview text have been shown to affect conversion as much as 20% in some instances.

With the preview text, you want to find something that flows smoothly from the headline. It’s the second most visible aspect of your email, so it also needs to be attention-grabbing and spark curiosity in the recipient.

Instead of using generic calls-to-action like “click here to get started,” try linking the CTA with your desired results. If you’re offering a discount, try “I’d love to get 30% off.” It reinforces your message in the reader’s mind and brings the benefits to light.

Develop and maintain a brand voice

Once you start getting great open rates, you have to keep your readers coming back for more. A great way to do that is to maintain a consistent voice across all your emails.

The best copywriters are able to build a rapport with their readers, almost to the point where you can hear them in your head while reading the copy. This is a great technique to emulate because it ensures that readers look forward to your emails.

Once you have that, you can even experiment with various kinds of messages, whether it’s exciting discounts or boring explanations on how payment cloud ( handles your payments.

Experiment with your length

If you tweak your subject and preview text often enough, you’ll find the best formula for your industry. But what happens after people open your email?

Some believe that short emails are best because they get straight to the point, and the reader is more likely to get to the end. Other people believe that longer emails give you room to explain the benefits, thus priming the reader.

There’s no perfect email length, but it’s important to keep experimenting. If you have a truly interesting message, lengthen the email to see how readers respond. You can also run A/B tests so you don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

Photo by Zhuravleva Anastasia from Pexels
